Minister of Human Resources Zoltán Balog and Minister of State for Education Rózsa Hoffmann presented a certificate of merit from the Prime Minister to Hungarian students and their trainers for their outstanding achievements at the 2012 International Student Olympics.

The results achieved by the Hungarian team at the International Student Olympics were 1 gold, 11 silver and 10 bronze.

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán first welcomed the student Olympic athletes in Parliament in 1999, creating a tradition, and this is the 15th time that the students' achievements have been recognised. The number of participant countries at the International Student Olympics differs according to each field of science. The Hungarian teams participated in the fields of natural science, informatics and philosophy, competing with more than a hundred other countries and achieving great results. The students with the best results, 22 of them in all, received a one-year scholarship from the Prime Minister.

Photo: Csaba Pelsőczy

Zoltán Balog, Minister of Human Resources, emphasized at the ceremony that the talented, diligent young people who achieve outstanding results are the future hopefuls of Hungary.

The team leaders, coaches, university students and teachers participating in the preparation of the teams also received various rewards.

(Ministry of Human Resources)