Minister of State for Sport Pál Szekeres announced at a press briefing on Thursday that the Government supports the civil initiative which aims at improving the accessibility of the Liszt Ferenc International Airport for people with disabilities.

The Minister of State said that people with disabilities receive excellent assistance within the airport building as well as when boarding aircraft, but their arrival and departure to and from the airport should also be made easier.  He therefore announced that steps will be taken to increase the airport’s accessibility from 95 percent and ensure that disabled visitors receive a comprehensive service.

Double Paralympic champion swimmer and Head of the Paralympic Champions’ Club János Becsey explained that even though there are parking spaces designated for the disabled, access to the airport is not provided for those using a wheelchair. He suggested that free parking time should be raised to 15-20 minutes and noted that a separate check-in desk could be provided for disabled passengers.

In 2000, during the first Orbán government, Hungary received the prestigious Roosevelt Award in recognition of the progress it had achieved towards the social inclusion of people with disabilities.

(Ministry of Human Resources)