An international conference was organised in Budapest on the use of opioid medicines for curative purposes. The aim of the ATOME (Access to Opioid Medication in Europe) Project is to improve access by patients to opioid medication in those 12 countries of Central and Eastern Europe, where the per capita consumption of morphine is very low, as shown by statistical evidence.

In our country, the use of this type of medicines can be regarded to be low and it can be stated that several factors jointly contribute to this tendency. From among the main ones, the attitude of society is to be mentioned, as the use of opioid medication is generally seen by patients and their families as the sign of approaching death. Legislation providing for strict control, as well as the lack of knowledge on good practices of pain management constitute further barriers to adequate use responding to needs.

The conference was opened by Dr. Hanna Páva, deputy secretary of state of the Ministry of Human Resources. During the one day meeting, leading Hungarian and international experts lectured on pain management, palliative care and the global and national situation of harm reduction. Following keynote speeches, participants, representing the medical profession, health policy experts and patient organisations discussed further steps necessary for increasing the use of opioid medicines and the development of palliative medicine in four round tables.

The conference provided a valuable opportunity for the detailed and extensive, national aspects led review and discussion on how to improve access to opioid medicines. Integrating WHO guidelines, published in 2011, into national health policy might induce forward looking changes in the use of opioid medicines, the review of controlling aspects, the elaboration of medical professional guidelines as well as shaping legislation. 

Queries about the ATOME project can be directed to Saskia Juenger: [[[xcVHtNYItvvRgW9NNkg5E0hEU2Fza2lhLkp1ZW5nZXJAdWtiLnVuaS1ib25uLmRl]]]

Queries about the project and opioid use relating to Hungary please contact Laura lesti: [[[dNFUyS9c2ZZ2ENVzbGF1cmEubGVzdGlAZW1taS5nb3YuaHU=]]]

(Ministry of Human Resources)