The Miss Colours Hungary 2013 pageant, organised by the Foundation for People in Wheelchairs and Colours Rehab Ltd., was held today under the patronage of Minister of State for Sport at the Ministry of Human Resources István Simicskó.

The aim of the organisers was to find a wheel-chaired ambassador, who could promote accessibility throughout the year and raise awareness about people in wheelchairs.

The organisers also presented an award for the most athletic contestant to emphasise the importance of sports in living a healthy life. At the opening ceremony, Deputy State Secretary for Sports Affairs Pál Szekeres, a Paralympic multiple fencing champion, stated that disabled people also wish to live full lives, to work and to participate in sports, and are capable of standing their ground in these fields.

Last year’s winner participated in several equal opportunity and sports events in 2012 and today she was in among the competition’s judges helping to find 2013’s winner.

(Ministry of Human Resources)