Zoltán Kovács, Minister of State for Social Inclusion at the Ministry of Human Resources had talks on Roma inclusion policy in Berlin on Tuesday with Romani Rose, head of the Central Council of German Sinti and Roma and Erika Steinbach, Member of Parliament for the CDU party and spokeswoman of the Bundestag’s parliamentary group on human rights and humanitarian aid.

DownloadPhoto: Ministry of Human ResourcesThe Minister of State said that it will take years to achieve long-term results in Roma inclusion, and this is why it is important „to have stable partners through whom we are able to channel fair, correct, and reliable information” to Germany.

Romani Rose and Erika Steinbach approach the issue of Roma inclusion in Hungary „with genuine understanding”; they are aware that the path that we embarked on during the course of Hungary’s EU Presidency in 2011 „is not mere show politics” but leads to „long-term solutions” that are attainable in the long run, Mr Kovács highlighted.

Photo: Ministry of Human ResourcesHe also informed his partners of the fact that the social inclusion strategy is currently being updated. Obtaining feedback on an ongoing basis is essential for „keeping up the good work”; however, updating is necessary also „in a technical sense”, among other circumstances, on account of the latest census data and due to changes in the statutory environment, he pointed out.

Mr Rose stressed that that Hungary represents the highest hopes in the Eastern-Central-European region as the Roma community in Hungary forms an integral part of local society to the greatest extent. Hungarian Roma culture is a constituent part of national culture and national identity. "When we think of Hungary, we also think of the Roma”, he stressed. Hungarian Roma fought for the nation in the 1848-49 revolution and freedom fight as well as in the 1956 revolution, he added.

DownloadPhoto: Ministry of Human ResourcesFar-right forces throughout Europe blame minorities as the cause of the recession; however, „the actual purpose of incitement to hatred against minorities is the elimination of constitutionality and democracy, which is a threat to us all”, Romani Rose said.

(Ministry of Human Resources)