Minister of Human Resources Zoltán Balog presented Fraknói Prizes in Budapest today.

The Prize, named after 19th century Cardinal Deacon and chronicler Vilmos Fraknói, is awarded on the occasion of the anniversary of his death for outstanding achievements in the renewal of religious life, the promotion of the development of theological training, and for significant endeavours within the fields of theology, philosophy, and religious history.

At the award ceremony, Minister Zoltán Balog, who is also responsible for church affairs, stressed that “Today, we salute scholars who are well aware of the meaning of hard intellectual work, and of the fact that it does not contradict faith’s pursuit of certainty.” “Faith and science are each other's helping brothers, and not foes. If we connect the two, the outcome is fruitful not only to scholars, but to the community also”, he added.

This year, Vilmos Fraknói Prizes were awarded to:
Lea Haader, research fellow at the National Széchényi Library, researcher in the field of 15th-16th century codex literature;
József Brenner, retired vicar; and
Dr. László Gyürki, retired parson, researcher of the Holy Scripture.

(Ministry of Human Resources)