The state, which represents the highest form of national and human solidarity, must guarantee human rights, Minister of Human Resources Zoltán Balog said on Tuesday in Budapest at the conference entitled “Individual freedoms in Hungary today”, organised for Human Rights Day.

The state must be a framework that provides security for life and human dignity. It should not only take responsibility but should also help enable its citizens to take responsibility on human rights issues themselves, the Minister highlighted in his presentation.

This is the fifth time that the Foundation for a Civil Hungary and the Hanns Seidel Foundation have organised their joint conference to coincide with Human Rights Day. “It is fortunate that every year this event functions as a forum where representatives of different political wings set their daily battles aside to have a conversation on human rights. They may not agree on details, but they are all morally committed to this issue”, emphasised Minister Balog, who also chairs the Foundation for a Civil Hungary.

(Ministry of Human Resources)