Culture is the cohesive force that binds together a nation through both space and history, Minister for Human Resources Zoltán Balog said on Wednesday on Hungarian Culture Day at a gala program involving all national cultural institutions.

Mr. Balog said culture always unites and never divides, adding that economic growth is futile unless it also means more funding for culture: “only those nations can progress, who hold on to their language and culture” – he said.

DownloadPhoto: Ministry of Human Resources

Mr. Balog said that this year the state budget for culture is 17 billion forints (EUR 56 million) higher than in previous years. Among recent state investments in culture he highlighted the restoration of the Liszt Academy of Music in Budapest, “the most defining investment in national culture”, the renewal of the Fejér county state archives, the opening of the Budapest Music Centre with a state investment of 600 million forints (EUR 2 million) and the current reconstruction of three historically significant buildings in Budapest.

The Minister also presented several cultural awards to individuals and institutions involved in culture.

(Ministry of Human Resources)