The Frankfurt Chamber of Commerce and Industry holds its presidential meeting on the 4th-5th of September in Budapest in memory of the foundation of the 20-year old German-Hungarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce. Minister of Human Resources Zoltán Balog met with the Presidency of the Chamber within the framework of a gala lunch.

Zoltán Balog presented the background of the Hungarian Government’s economic and political decisions and stressed that Hungary continues to view Germany as a key economic partner.

According to Prof. Dr. Mathias Müller, President of the Chamber, each country has its own historical, economic and social features which may require the country to make special decisions in order to achieve long-term stability. The Presidency of the Chamber received the measures adopted in Hungary with interest and appreciation.

The members of the delegation, mentioning the very successful presentation held in the Frankfurt Chamber of Commerce and Industry by Prime Minister Viktor Orbán in February 2012, assured Minister Balog of their continued intention to cooperate with the Hungarian Government.

The Frankfurt Chamber of Commerce and Industry is one of the largest chambers of industry in Germany. The Chamber has almost 100 thousand members who generate an annual turnover of some EUR 63 billion.. Furthermore, the Chamber serves the presidential and representative functions of all the chambers of industry in Hessen, a province that gives home to 6 million people and 400 thousand enterprises.

(Media, Communication, Public Relations and Protocol Department)