On the occasion of the International Day of Older Persons, an inter-professional conference was held to discuss issues related to elderly care.

The International Conference of Common Speaking Experts brought together physicians, nurses, social workers, pharmacists as well as economists and politicians working within the field of social affairs. The event was opened by State Secretary for Health Miklós Szócska, who stressed in his address that prevention and supporting active human resources are essential to geriatric and in-patient care.

He added that it is a major goal in the field of geriatrics to make sure that older people are capable of self-support in their homes and there are enough specialists to take care of them.

Yesterday, to mark the International Day of Older Persons, Minister for Human Resources Zoltán Balog delivered a speech at the Palace of Arts in Budapest. He mentioned a number of measures aimed at improving the situation of the elderly, including pensions that retain their real value, cutting public utility costs, affording women the opportunity to retire after forty years of work and the various Erzsébet programmes.

(Ministry of Human Resources)