The Ministry for Human Resources has launched two tenders to promote the family as an institution, State Minister for Social and Family Affairs Miklós Soltész said on Wednesday.

Soltész said the two tenders coincided with the 20th anniversary of the United Nations’ International Year of Family and the aim was to popularise the family through the media and special events.

He said one of the tenders was open to all Hungarian private individuals living in the country or abroad and invited participants to present family life and family success stories, both ordinary and extraordinary, through literature or photography. Awards for this category total 4 million forints (EUR 13,200).
The other tender is meant to promote family-friendly public attitudes and is open to NGOs, churches, media and publishers who want to promote family values through community events, communication or training programs that present the advantages of family life, cross-generation interaction or partnerships. The total award value for this category is 56 million forints (EUR 135,000).

Applications must be submitted online by 22 February for the first and 24 February for the second tender. Details are available at the Nation Institute for Family and Social Policy website.

(Ministry of Human Resources)