On February 14, a 25-person delegation led by Deputy State Secretary Mrs Erika Zupcsán Asztalos presented the Hungarian implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) in Geneva. The members of the delegation included representatives of the legislative branch, the prosecution service, the Central Statistical Office and the Equal Treatment Authority.

In her speech, the Deputy State Secretary responsible for social policy reported to the committee that monitors the implementation of the Convention on the main legal, economic and social changes in Hungary, as well as on the Government’s policy and the practical measures taken since the last hearing in 2007. She pointed out that according to the New Fundamental Law, it is the Government’s responsibility to create not only legal equality, but also to ensure equal opportunities for every citizen. She stated that expanding the employment of women is also a priority.

The members of the Committee asked questions, primarily based on the recommendations of Hungarian NGOs, focusing on human trafficking and violence against women, including the issue of domestic violence. Following dialogue with representatives from both the Government and civil organisations, the Committee will make recommendations to further facilitate the implementation of the Convention. These recommendations will be published on February 22.

(Ministry of Human Resources)