The Hungarian Government is providing a total of 230 million forints (EUR 766,000) this year for safeguarding the languages, cultural customs and spiritual and material heritage of national minorities, as well as for strengthening their ethnic identities, the Ministry of Human Resources announced.

Within this amount – which will entirely be distributed among the winners of three separate tenders – a total of 110 million forints is being awarded to 278 winning applicants to support the running costs of national minority NGOs and 563 winning applicants are receiving a total of 110 million forints for the safeguarding of minorities’ intellectual and material heritage as well as for the financing of cultural events. Another 10 million forints will go to 7 winning bidders for the further education of minority teachers in cooperation with the respective minorities’ home countries.

These figures clearly show the Government’s commitment to safeguarding, maintaining and developing the cultural values of its national minorities, the Ministry said in a statement.

(Ministry of Human Resources)