Thirteen books of Hungarian relevance will be published to coincide with the Helsinki Book Fair, which takes place between 25-28 October and at which Hungary will be the guest of honour. On 25 October, Minister of Human Resources Zoltán Balog will make the opening speech.

Hungary will be represented by some 30 guests and 50 programs, and the event is organised by the Finnish Hungarian Cultural and Science Centre. In their press release, the Centre states that it is a great honour that Hungary has been invited after countries such as Sweden, the United Kingdom, France or Estonia. The motto of Hungary will be Unkari lähellä (Hungary is Near) referring to the fact that Hungarian culture will be accessible to Finnish guests at the event and that cultural relations have always brought and will continue to bring together the two nations.

Children’s books, youth literature, the legacy of literary translator István Rácz, ethnographic relations, the Hungarian Kalevala culture and the 100th anniversary of the birth of István Örkény will be the main topics of Hungary’s visit.

At the country’s stand, Hungarian authors, experts, Finnish translators and publishing experts will hold discussions while photos of Eurasian shamans by Mihály Hoppál and nature photos from the two countries by József Tímár will also be on display. The Hungarian Cultural Centre Balassi Institute will organise games, readings and film projections for 5000 children in Finnish schools.

(Prime Minister’s Office)