Due to the increase in the minimal wage, teachers’ salaries will also increase from 1 January, Minister of State for Public Education Rózsa Hoffmann announced at a press conference in Bicske.

She recalled that as a first step, in September 2013 a 34% rise had already been introduced within the framework of a new career model developed especially for teachers. This model also envisages a 60 percent salary increase until 2017. HUF 200.6 billion (EUR 668.7 million) has been earmarked for this purpose until January 2016.

As of September 2015, the pay rise will be expanded to also include teaching assistants. Due to prior negligence in this field, the OECD’s report Education at a Glance 2013 shows that teachers’ salaries in Hungary are among the lowest, especially when compared to teaching hours. Ms. Hoffmann emphasised that these measures help create more attractive career opportunities in this field, thus reducing drop-out rates.

DownloadPhoto: Gergely Botár

She highlighted that while in other European countries salary cuts and lay-offs characterise the education sector, Hungary has managed to avoid these and has instead worked to improve teachers’ working conditions. Another important change in the field of education is the establishment of a Hungarian Chamber of Teachers, which has been requested by professionals for decades.

Membership is automatic for every teacher working in state-owned institutions and chamber officials are elected by members from among their number.The role of the Chamber will mainly involve consulting and providing advice to teachers, but it will not act as a labour union. The Chamber will be fully functional by spring 2014.