The annual budget of the Hungarian National Skating Federation (MOKSZ) has increased to 550 million forints this year (EUR 1.84 million) from 70 million forints in 2011, allowing the country to confidently host the 2014 European Figure Skating Championships, MOKSZ President Lajos Kósa said on Tuesday at the opening press conference of the event which begins on Wednesday.

He said the increased budget was the result of higher state subsidies after the sport was included among Hungary’s 16 priority sports as well as the Federation’s success in attracting more private sponsors.

“We have no chance for a medal at these championships, but we do hope that Kristóf Forgó and the Dóra Turóczi/Balázs Major pair’s exercises will be included in the official programme” – Kósa said. He added that while no Hungarian figure skaters participated at the Sochi Winter Olympics, some promising talents could be there at the next such event.

MOKSZ Secretary General György Sallak said that Budapest was fully prepared to host the event and that 70-80 percent of the tickets have already been sold.

Minister of State for Sports István Simicskó said that as one of the country’s priority sports, the MOKSZ will receive state subsidies of three billion forints (EUR 10 million) during the period ending in 2020 and that the state had contributed 50 million forints towards the costs of hosting this year’s championship.

170 participants from 33 countries will be competing at the Championships, with the first 12 in each category also receiving prize money. The winners of the men’s and ladies’ singles receive EUR 20,000 each while the pairs and ice dancers receive EUR 30,000.