Minister of State for Social and Family Affairs Miklós Soltész recalled relevant measures enacted during the last three and a half years. The extension of the benefit for the acquisition of automobiles has allowed 600 people to purchase new automobiles, more than 15 thousand students were taught about different forms of disability, due to the reform of the employment scheme today there are more than 10 thousand newly employed persons with reduced capacity to work, and – as last year – several 10 thousand people had access to products produced by the latter at the “Helping Market” events („Segítő Vásár”) – he said.

He highlighted that approx. 47 billion forints (more than 150 million euros) were used in the framework of the New Széchenyi Plan to help the people concerned, of this sum 21,5 billion forints (75 million euros) was spent on employment and training.

DownloadPhoto: Gergely BotárOther programs supported by the Government, amongst others, include: improving the accessibility of the Liszt Ferenc International Airport for people with disabilities, Autism-Europe International Congress in Budapest in September 2013, the Erzsébet Programme, giving individuals with disabilities the opportunity to go on holiday under preferential terms, or the state-owned SZEFO Ltd where more than 60% of the employees have disabilities.

Recently representatives of the Ministry of Human Resources (EMMI), the Ministry of Administration and Justice (KIM), the Ministry of Interior (BM) with representatives of the municipalities of Budapest and of major cities signed a declaration of intent in which they each commit themselves to hire at least 2 people with changed capacity to work.

DownloadPhoto: Gergely BotárThe signing ceremony was organized by the “Nem Adom Fel” Foundation („I won’t give up”), and its spokesperson Szabolcs Papp said that disabled people too want to share their strengths with society, they want to work and contribute with their knowledge too. The initiator of the declaration Mayor of Újbuda Tamás Hoffmann underlined that 40 municipalities committed themselves to improve the employment opportunities of persons with reduced capacity to work and he expects more municipalities to join.

(Ministry of Human Resources)