Hungary is starting hospital developments with about 60 billion forints (EUR 200m) in European Union support, Minister of State for Healthcare Miklós Szócska said on Sunday.

Almost 50 billion forints will go to at least 60 institutions to help them take on new responsibilities after a re-allocation of tasks last year, he stated.
About 10 billion forints will be used to continue developments at cancer treatment centres, Mr Szócska said.

He added that there would no longer be 26 small cancer treatment centres around the country, rather equipment used to diagnose and treat cancer would be available in each region of the country.

Since a restructuring of Hungary's healthcare system last year, fewer patients are leaving one region for another for treatment, and patients are spending less time in hospital as the system moves in the direction of one-day surgery, Minister of State Szócska highlighted. The investments are part of on-going and launching projects worth a total of 300 billion forints, he added.

(Ministry of Human Resources)