The Minister of State for Health Mr. Miklós Szócska and Magor Papp, president of the Hungarian Residents’ Association at the Semmelweis University began together to shred the notices of denunciation previously deposited by the residents.

The president pointed out that thank to the Minister of State for Health, healthcare will turn into a more liveable sector for the first time during the past 10 years. The collection and possible activation of notices of denunciation are over this year, he added.

As the first step to improve the salary condition of healthcare workers, the joint effort of the State Secretariat for Health of the Ministry of National Resources and the professional organizations resulted in a wage increase for those working by sick-beds in both outpatient and inpatient care. The State Secretariat for Health was glad to hear that the Hungarian Residents’ Association decided not to activate the previously deposited notices of denunciation.

Minister of State for Health Miklós Szócska offered his paper shredder and accepted the invitation of the Hungarian Residents’ Association to attend the press conference on the suspension of the action, where the Minister of State and Magor Papp, president of the Hungarian Residents’ Assocation, in a symbolic act, put the deposited notices of denunciation in a paper shredder.

Miklós Szócska said he was glad that this act was took at the Semmelweis University, as it is important to maintain a good cooperation with the younger generation of doctors. The Minister of State thanked the residents for their wise patience, which allow them to give enough time for the State Secretariat to do their job. He emphasized that this increased salary improved the situation of 86 000 healthcare workers, which clearly indicates the Government’s dedication to settling this issue.

As for next steps, the Minister of State said that the next phase of work will be very meticulous, during which young doctors will be able to regain their faith in their exciting and interesting profession.

Miklós Szócska recalled that contrary to the allegations of the malcontents, several goals have been reached, including, the scholarship programme, the praxis programme, the introduction of the public health product tax, the increased financing of the general practitioners and the commencement of the salary increase. We will leave no one behind in the mines, he added.

Magor Papp, president of the Hungarian Residents’ Association said that hopefully there will be no need to collect notices of denunciation. He explained that they are now shredding the notices, but cooperation of the doctors remains and they hope that the residents will find their happiness at home, since this is their way in the country with appropriate conditions for which reason they were fighting for.

(NEMZETI ERŐFORRÁS MINISZTÉRIUM Egészségügyért Felelős Államtitkárság)