Minister of Human Resources Zoltán Balog addressed the opening ceremony of the 10th Autism-Europe International Congress in Budapest on Wednesday, where he spoke about the state’s task to create appropriate conditions for treating autism and enabling people with autism to live a full life in society.

The Minister called it a must to shape the attitude of the public towards autistic patients and emphasised that the new constitution ensures basic rights and freedoms for every person without differentiating based on disabilities. He also mentioned several state measures, projects and tenders aimed at assisting people with disabilities, such as programs helping the early recognition of autism, and the creation of jobs to facilitate the social inclusion and independence of autistic people.

Fotó: MTIPrincess Marie of Denmark also gave a speech at the ceremony, noting that the United Nations had approved the Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities nearly seven years ago. Progress in implementation, however, differs from country to country, she stated. The Princess expressed pride over Denmark playing a leading role in the labour-market integration of people with disabilities, which gives them dignity and independence.

The Congress, which lasts until Saturday, is organised by Autism Europe (AE), an international organisation that safeguards the interests of the approximately 5 million Europeans affected by autism. This year, AE is celebrating its 30th anniversary with its first Hungarian president Zsuzsanna Szilvásy. Hungary was chosen as the venue because of the constructive cooperation seen between representatives of the government and NGOs in the interests of improving the quality of life for autistic people, Ms. Szilvásy stated.

(Ministry of Human Resources)