Minister of State for Human Resources András Doncsev received United States Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism Ira Forman on the 3rd of October, 2013.

At the meeting, the Minister of State informed his guest about the Jewish and Holocaust-related contents of the National Curriculum and gave details on the upcoming Holocaust Memorial Year 2014. The Special Envoy praised the Hungarian Government’s efforts in these areas.

During the development of the National Curriculum and its Framework Curriculum, the Government, and especially the Ministry responsible for public education, maintained continuous dialogue with both the relevant international organisations and Hungarian Jewish churches, as well as with Jewish cultural, educational and other civil organisations.

Photo: Gergely Botár

The Hungarian Government assures the determined presence of the Holocaust in the education system through the strict accreditation of textbooks and teaching materials. As a result, knowledge related to the Holocaust appears within the content of several subjects, such as history, civics, literature, Hungarian language, ethics and home classes, it was stated at the meeting.

The Minister of State also referred to the 2014 Holocaust Memorial Year, which will focus on education and teaching, in accordance with which visiting the Holocaust memorials, the Holocaust Memorial Center and the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp will be included in next year’s history general curriculum as recommended elements.

(Ministry of Human Resources)