Poštovani Gosti, Dame i Gospodo!
Želim Vam se zahvaliti na vašem odazivu na današnje prisjećanje na dvadeset i prvu obljetnicu osnutka diplomatskih odnosa Mađarske i Hrvatske. Bilateralne veze dvije zemlje sustavno se razvijaju od dana kada je Hrvatska proglasila nezavisnost. Odnosi su uzajamno proglašeni odličnim i partnerskim s obje strane.


Kako bi dodatno ojačali i pokazali naše prijateljstvo i suradnju, rado sam podržao jedinstvenu i prijateljsku inicijativu Veleposlanika Gordana Grlića Radmana za obilježavanje ove prigode s izložbom fotografija oko nas, ovdje u Ministarstvu vanjskih poslova.


Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen!

Let me thank You for accepting our invitation to celebrate together the 21th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Hungary and Croatia. Our bilateral relations have been developing steadily since Croatia became independent and today they are considered as excellent from both sides.

To further strengthen and demonstrate our friendship and cooperation I gladly supported Ambassador Grlic Radman's unique and friendly initiative, to mark this occasion with a photo exhibition in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

We are at the very beginning of a new year, at the threshold of a new period in our bilateral relations. We both expect a lot from 2013:

- Croatia will close a long and quite challenging accession process and will join to the European Union on the 1st July, in accordance with the conclusion of the European Council.

- At the same time, Hungary assumed the Presidency of the Central European Initiative on the 1st January and will take over the Presidency of the Visegrad Group on 1st July. It is our sincere belief that Croatia’s accession will give further incentive to our strategic partnership, in accordance with the objectives of the dual Hungarian Presidencies:

- strengthen regional cooperation,

- to clear the obstacles both from physical and human infrastructure in the region

- and to enhance the level of the direct contacts between our societies.

Therefore we would like to send Croatia a warm welcome in the EU and in the framework of the stronger Central-European Cooperation as well.


Distinguished Guests!

Ladies and Gentlemen!

A fruitful and successful period is behind us concerning the high-level bilateral relations. The connection between our nations are based on long standing, stable pillars thus our relationship cannot and should not be viewed only from the perspective of today’s excellent political co-operation. One of the most important values we share is the protection of the minorities and mutual respect towards each other’s culture.

These relations between the civil society and the two nations mean a different but equally important dimension. Friendship between our peoples gives continuity and stability in today’s turbulent period of time.

Every year hundreds of thousands of Hungarian tourists visiting Croatia, many of them are returning visitors. Today’s exhibition is a selection of their work, a glance at Croatia through Hungarian eyes. The essence of photography is to grab the moment, to project feelings and emotions. These pictures are not only beautiful because their topic is the wonderful landscape and seaside of Croatia, but also because they reflect love towards those places where they were taken. The exhibition conveys a clear message: our relations are excellent not only on official, but on civil, human level as well.

These times, with all the uncertainties and changes, when we cannot see clearly the future, it’s even more important to strengthen the neighbouring relations, to encourage the cooperation on all possible level. I am glad to be here today to promote and demonstrate friendship between our nations.

I wish our relations to stay as dynamic and successful in 2013 as in the past year and to find opportunities and ways for further strengthening them in all fields in the new framework provided by EU membership.

Thank You for your kind attention.


(Ministry of Foreign Affairs)