The Ambassador of the United States in Budapest informed the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Hungary well in advance about the planned publication of documents by WikiLeaks.
On 22 October 2010, the foreign ministers of the Visegrad Group met in Bratislava under Slovak Presidency at the second ministerial meeting especially dedicated to the Western Balkans.
Times change, and so do we, the Romans said, but it is not at all sure that those two changes take place at the same rate and balance each other out. Some people were “ahead of their time”, but more changed slower than the period they lived in. Anyway, the key to a successful (foreign) policy is to see and understand changes and to take pace with them, or even to anticipate them.
On October 4 2010 an industrial accident took place at an alumina factory belonging to a privately owned company, Magyar Alumínium ZRt. Due to the ruptured dam of the sludge reservoir, a mixture of 600-700 thousand m³ of red sludge and water inundated the lower sections of the settlements of Kolontar, Devecser and Somlovasarhely in Veszprem county.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Hungary welcomes the decision, that as a result of the mediation efforts by the Cuban Roman Catholic Church and Foreign Minister Miguel Angel Moratinos of Spain, Cuban authorities shall release 52 political prisoners, and considers this development an initial step towards the actual improvement of the human rights situation in Cuba.
The new Hungarian government seeks to expand, in a geographic sense, its Central European policy in all directions, Foreign Minister János Martonyi said during his visit to Vienna on July 13, 2010. The head of Hungarian diplomacy travelled to Austria at the invitation of his Austrian counterpart, Michael Spindelegger. He was received on a courtesy visit also by the Federal President, Heinz Fischer.
The Programme of National Cooperation: Work, Home, Family, Health, Order
Foreign Minister János Martonyi has sent a telegram to his Slovak counterpart Mikuláš Dzurinda, congratulating him on his appointment.
Foreign Minister János Martonyi represented Hungary at the Croatia Summit, attended by high-ranking officials from the European Union and Balkan countries, held in Dubrovnik.
Foreign Minister János Martonyi on July 9, 2010 met Össur Skarphédinsson, Iceland’s Minister for Foreign Affairs and External Trade, during Mr Skarphédinsson’s official visit to Hungary.