Ministry of Foreign Affairs

János Martonyi

Minister of Foreign Affairs

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Zsolt Németh holds talks with the Ecuadorian Deputy Foreign Minister

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, June 25, 2013 3:22 PM

On June 24, Parliamentary State Secretary Zsolt Németh had talks with Deputy Foreign Minister of Ecuador Marco Albuja Martínez under the aegis of Hungarian-Ecuadorian foreign policy consultation, about opportunities for developing bilateral relations.

János Martonyi: the self-organisation of Roma communities is encouraging

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, June 24, 2013 3:56 PM

The Hungarian Foreign Minister finds it encouraging that the Roma communities in Hungary are forming increasingly self-reliant associations, and this demonstrates that they are ready and able – in addition to providing assistance to those in need – to contribute to the social, economic and cultural advancement of Hungary.

Hungary supports Moldova’s European integration, says Deputy State Secretary Gergely Prőhle

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, June 19, 2013 4:13 PM

Deputy State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Gergely Prőhle reiterated Hungary’s support for Moldova’s European integration during his talks in Chisinau on 18 June 2013.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Hungary rejects the statement made by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, June 19, 2013 3:09 PM

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Hungary expresses its perplexity and rejects the statement made by the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Navanethem Pillay on 18 June 2013. The UN High Commissioner, while welcoming the opinion issued by the Venice Commission regarding the fourth amendment to the Fundamental Law of Hungary, made several untenable critical remarks with respect to the state of democracy in Hungary.

Statement by the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, June 19, 2013 2:38 PM

Enikő Győri, Minister of State for EU Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Hungary, was shocked that the ALDE Group of the European Parliament announced on Twitter that "a Fidesz MEP" had accused the EU of being a dictatorship. The referred statement was made by a representative who was elected on the Jobbik ticket, an opposition party.

Hungary prepares new strategy for international development aid

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, June 18, 2013 5:43 PM

Hungary has drafted a new framework strategy for international development cooperation in line with its policy of eastern orientation, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced on 17 June 2013.

The Venice Commission modified its draft opinion after receiving detailed explanations from the Hungarian Government

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, June 18, 2013 5:41 PM

Upon the request of Hungarian Foreign Minister János Martonyi the Venice Commission published an opinion on the Fourth Amendment to the Fundamental Law on 14 June. The CoE body after having received documents and detailed explanations from the Hungarian Government has brought several modifications to the previous draft opinion and dropped its previous negative assessment on a number of important issues.

Hungary’s sense of responsibility for ethnic Hungarians abroad will increase

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, June 18, 2013 3:13 PM

The parliamentary representation of ethnic Hungarians living outside Hungary – which will be accomplished following the 2014 elections – will hopefully bolster Hungary's sense of responsibility for them, Parliamentary State Secretary Zsolt Németh declared in Paris on Monday.

Non-Paper of the Hungarian Government concerning the opinion of the Venice Commission on the Fourth Amendment to the Fundamental Law

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, June 18, 2013 2:04 PM

The Hungarian Government issued a Non-Paper concerning the latest, modified opinion of the Venice Commission on the Fourth Amendment to the Fundamental Law.

Hungary has achieved changes in Venice Commission report

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, June 17, 2013 11:45 AM

From Hungary’s viewpoint, we have succeeded in achieving favourable and significant changes to the draft report of the Venice Commission on the fourth amendment to the Fundamental Law of Hungary, Minister of Foreign Affairs János Martonyi declared in Venice on Friday. However, this does not mean that Hungary agrees with the content of the document, János Martonyi told reporters after attending the Friday session of the Venice Commission.