The parliamentary elections held in Ukraine received special attention in Hungary, testament to which is the fact that – coming out in great numbers to the Ukrainian request - there were a total of 45 Hungarian election observers who followed the events on site.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs welcomes the fact that the elections held on 28th October in Ukraine took place without any incidents. We consider it of utmost importance that the Ukrainian political opposition and the entire Ukrainian population accept the results of the elections. Notwithstanding this, the distorting elements that international observers objected to – abuse of administrative opportunities, the lack of transparency in campaign and party financing and the imbalance in media information – cast a shadow on the entire election process.

Hungary considers it regrettable that the drawing of individual electoral district borders was done without consideration to the interests of national minorities, which in the end deprived the Hungarians of the Sub-Carpathian from sending an individual representative based on their own voters’ base into the Ukrainian legislature. 

Hungary is committed to continuing to help the democratic development and the realization of the European integration efforts of Ukraine and is interested in maintaining close and successful ties with the country’s leadership.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs)