The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Hungary has followed with concern the news about the Ukrainian police using force in Kiev on November 30 to disperse a peaceful demonstration of young people on the city's main square. The demonstrators gathered in support of Ukraine's closer ties with the European Union and for the signing of the Association Agreement. We condemn the actions of the police and consider it important that the events be urgently investigated and those responsible for them be named.

The freedom of speech is a universal human right and respect for it is an important cornerstone of democratic society. The Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs expects the Ukrainian leadership to ensure the rights to freedom of speech and assembly for the citizens of Ukraine. We call on the Ukrainian authorities and every relevant party to refrain from the use of force, and thus to allow demonstrators to peacefully express their views.

Ukraine is an important neighbour and a partner of Hungary. We are interested in a stable, well-developing and democratic Ukraine, whose European orientation we sincerely desire and support.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs)