Hungary’s foreign ministry today launched a case against Slovakia at the European Court for denying President László Sólyom entry to its territory on August 21, 2009, with reference to the directive on the free movement of persons.
Hungary continues to hold the view that denying President László Sólyom entry to Slovakia ran contrary to European Union norms. Slovakia broke EU law when, referring to the directive, it did not permit president László Sólyom to enter Slovakia.
Since this is a legal dispute between two member states, Hungary believes that the most helpful approach from the point of view of bilateral relations is if the two sides settle the matter by legal means at the European Court.
Hungary is convinced that the Court’s judgement will serve as guidance for the future application of directive 2004/38/EK on the free movement of persons, particularly concerning regulations regarding persons of outstanding importance, thus contributing to the development of EU law. This is in the interest of every member state as well as the EU as a whole.