In the European Union Hungary is one of the prominent proponents of Ukraine’s European orientation. With the Vilnius Summit approaching, we noted with pleasure the increasing support of the Ukrainian society and political circles for closer Ukraine-EU relations, as well as the progress made in the adoption of the necessary reform measures.

In light of this, we noted with regret the decision of the Ukrainian leadership, as a result of which the European Union and Ukraine will not be in a position to sign the Association Agreement at the upcoming Vilnius Summit of the Eastern Partnership. Although we are not pleased with the decision, we take note of it it as the sovereign choice made by Ukraine.

Hungary’s interest in the stability and prosperity of neighbouring Ukraine remains unchanged. We are of the opinion that closer relations between Ukraine and the European Union plays a key role in ensuring this. Accordingly, we wish to keep the option of political association and economic integration with the European Union open for the people of Ukraine in the future.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs)