Hungary's Ministry of Foreign Affairs welcomes the unanimous adoption of United Nations Security Council Resolution 2087 condemning the dogged and aggressive behaviour of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea on 22 January 2013. Hungary also fully associates itself with the decision of the European Union to transpose the Resolution without delay and urges the Union to consider additional restrictive measures.

In this context, Hungary is particularly appalled by North Korea’s insistent provocative posture, challenging regional and international security through irresponsible declarations and actions, including the threat of conducting a new nuclear test. We reiterate our call on the DPRK to refrain from further shows of force, which may seriously undermine the fragile security balance of the Korean Peninsula, to comply with its international obligations and to engage in constructive dialogue with the parties concerned aimed at improving the security situation on the Peninsula, primarily including the continuation of the Six-Party Talks.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs)