Dr. Patti Londoño Jaramillo, Vice-Minister of Multilateral Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Colombia, paid an official visit to Hungary on February 8-9, 2013.

The Colombian Vice-Minister of Multilateral Affairs had meetings with Parliamentary State Secretary Zsolt Németh and State Secretary Kristóf Szatmáry. State Secretary Németh informed his counterpart about the foreign policy tasks for Hungary this year, and stressed that the Hungarian Government began to revitalize relations with Latin America under the initiative of “global opening”.

The Hungarian Parliamentary State Secretary declared that Hungary wanted to boost cooperation through more official visits and through increasing the intensity of business relations. Economic relations are expected to develop following the entering into force of the EU-Colombia free trade agreement in the first half of 2013. Vice-Minister Londoño stated that her country was looking forward to cooperation with Hungary particularly in the areas of agriculture, water management and renewable energy.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs)