Deputy State Secretary Gergely Prőhle made a speech on behalf of the Hungarian Presidency of the Central European Initiative (CEI) at an event organised by the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry on April 10.

Gergely Prőhle declared that it was the task of governments to establish conditions that were conducive to the successful performance of economic operators. He added that this is why Hungary initiated the revitalisation of the business dimension of CEI.

The Hungarian Deputy State Secretary said that economic figures confirm the significance of the Central European region: one-third of Hungarian exports go to CEI countries. It is noteworthy that the value of Hungarian exports to Poland is 2 billion euros less than the value of exports to Slovakia, which suggests that the infrastructure of the Central European region should be developed in order to facilitate business as well as tourist relations among the countries of the region. Governments can do a lot to promote this – said Gergely Prőhle – and this also shows how interconnected foreign trade and foreign relations are.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs)