Prime Minister Viktor Orbán will make proposals for concrete investment projects in China where he is expected this spring, following the formation of the new Chinese Government, Deputy State Secretary Gergely Prőhle told Hungarian News Agency MTI in Beijing.

One of Hungary’s objectives as current president of the Central European Initiative (CEI) and of the Visegrád Four group is to develop the region’s transport infrastructure, Prőhle stated, after his meeting with China’s Deputy Foreign Minister Song Tao.

This goal meets China’s plans to develop economic, cultural, and scientific relations with Central and Eastern Europe, he said, adding that the Chinese Government had earmarked 10 billion USD for these purposes.

Deputy State Secretary Prőhle said they discussed student exchange programs as well and Song Tao confirmed grants offered for 100 Hungarian students at Chinese universities. He stated that concerning cultural cooperation the focus is on organizing meaningful and rich programs in the already existing cultural institutions instead of opening new ones.

(MTI, Ministry of Foreign Affairs)