On 13-14 November, MFA Political Director Szabolcs Takács paid an official visit to Madrid to discuss European issues, particularly the EU neighbourhood policy.

Mr. Takács had a meeting with Ignacio Ybanes, the Political Director of the Spanish Foreign Ministry, during which they discussed eastern and southern neighbourhood issues, the EU Eastern Partnership and the situation in the Middle East. Speaking also on behalf of the Visegrad Group – in view of the fact that Hungary currently holds the V4 Presidency – the Hungarian Political Director stated that advancing the EU integration of the Western Balkans and the success of the Eastern Partnership Summit in Vilnius were priorities for the V4 countries. Mr. Takács and Mr. Ybanes agreed that the November 18 meeting of the EU foreign ministers was significant with respect to the Vilnius Summit.

As regards the crisis in Syria, both countries have recognised the main opposition force, the Syrian National Coalition. Szabolcs Takács and Ignacio Ybanes agreed that only a political solution could lead to an enduring resolution of the crisis in Syria.

Political Director Takács Szabolcs also had a meeting with Gomez de Olea, the General Director for Ibero-American Affairs, and informed him that Hungary would re-open its embassy in Chile in January 2014. In addition to the talks with his Spanish partners, Szabolcs Takács held a lecture at a seminar on EU Eastern Partnership, organised by the Hungarian Embassy, the Delegation of the European Commission and Spanish think-tank FRIDE.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs)