The outcomes of the Budapest Water Summit were presented at the meeting organized by the Hungarian Permanent Mission to the UN in New York City on 18 November 2013, with the participation of members of the Friends of Water group and UN Member States.

Representatives of over 100 UN Member States were present at the meeting. Gábor Baranyai, Deputy State Secretary for EU Sectoral Policies of the Ministry of Foreign and Chair of the Organizing Committee of the Budapest Water Summit, introduced the targets and outcomes formulated in the Summit Statement. The Summit was heralded as a definite success by the international community, and it was a shining example of international cooperation embodied by water. As underlined in the Statement: water is a source of cooperation. Hungary considers it as a priority to reach an agreement concerning a water-related sustainable development goal in the discussions of the post-2015 development agenda and to create an institutional process to implement, monitor and assess the progress of the water goal.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs)