Collaboration among the Hungarian Government, the business sector and NGOs to provide aid to the victims of typhoon Haiyan can serve as a model of cooperation – Péter Wintermantel, MFA Deputy State Secretary for Global Affairs, declared on Tuesday.

The Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs held a press conference, along with the representatives of the Hungarian Red Cross and the Budapest Water Works, in order to present the report on the achievements of the Hungarian aid program in the Phillippines. Mr Wintermanter underlined that Hungary took an active part in the international aid program and that it acted as a responsible donor country.

The Hungarian Deputy State Secretary recalled that the Hungarian government as well as the NGOs had begun to provide assistance to the Phillippines right after the natural disaster had happened. The Budapest Water Works offered water purification equipment as requested by the government of the Philippines. Mr Wintermantel stated that the mission that had been set up by the Budapest Water Works and the Hungarian Red Cross had successfully delivered the equipment to the location of the disaster.  He added that the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs funded two other UN projects as well; one for orphans exposed to health threats and another providing medical service for pregnant women. Altogether, Hungary has contributed almost HUF 50 million to the international aid program in the Phillippines.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs)