The idea of Transylvania’s re-annexation to Hungary is total nonsense, Hungarian Foreign Minister János Martonyi told the Romanian all-news channel Digi24 on March 9, 2013.

„This is such nonsense that I am unwilling to react to it,” Martonyi said, commenting on Romanian fears that, by supporting autonomy endeavours, Hungary would like to retake Transylvania. He added, however, that recognition of various forms of the autonomy of communities does not weaken but rather strengthens the state concerned, as it increases the community’s sense of being at home, and contributes to the stability of the nation.

There are many forms of autonomy, he said, adding that Hungary, for instance, recognises the cultural autonomy of its ethnic minorities. In some countries, there are territorial autonomies. What matters is that the country in question should take the community’s desires into account. Hungary cannot do nothing other than support the endeavours of Hungarian communities abroad, Martonyi said.

Concerning the dispute over Székely flags, the Minister said that overheated emotions could endanger bilateral relations. For this reason, he asked for self-constraint and understanding from his Romanian partners.

Asked if Hungarian-Romanian relations had deteriorated to such an extent that his visit to Bucharest was only aimed at „preserving the valuable elements of strategic partnership”, Martonyi said he did not want to dramatize the situation but warned that elevated passions may induce dangerous consequences and reverse achievements in bilateral relations. Martonyi called dialogue the only way to dispel doubts and dissipate fear, adding that his visit aimed to restore confidence in bilateral ties.

The interview was recorded during Minister Martonyi’s recent visit to Bucharest on March 5, 2013.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs)