Following the visit of the V4 delegation – including political directors of the Polish, Czech, Hungarian and Slovak Ministries of Foreign Affairs – to Macedonia on November 26, MFA Political Director Szabolcs Takács stated that Macedonia should begin the accession talks with the European Union.

The Hungarian Political Director stressed that it was in the interest of all Visegrád countries including Hungary to complete the European integration of the Western Balkans, since it would only guarantee the stability of the region. He added that the V4 had welcomed the European Commission’ October report that proposed starting accession negotiations with Macedonia.

Mr Takács underlined that the Visegrád countries also support Macedonia’ accession to NATO because Macedonia had demonstrated its commitment to cooperating with the Atlantic Alliance; for instance, the country had contributed to the ISAF mission in Afghanistan.

Political Director Szabolcs Takács declared that the V4 countries agreed with the proposal of the European Commission about starting the accession negotiations with Macedonia before settling its name dispute with Greece.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs)