The Hungarian Foreign Minister had business discussions in Sao Paulo, the economic and financial centre of Brazil on May 17th, 2012.

The Minister negotiated with Paulo Skaf, President of the Federation of Industries of the State of Sao Paulo and with Guilherme Afif, Vice Governor of the State of Sao Paulo. He outlined the global opening of Hungarian foreign policy and our ambitions to extend our economic relations. The parties discussed possible ways to connect Hungarian research centres to the potential for scientific and technological development concentrated in the State of Sao Paulo, the improvement of bilateral trade, and the deepening of relations in the fields of education, research and professional training. János Martonyi emphasised that the Hungarian universities were ready to admit Brazilian students and provide them with world standard education in English.

The Foreign Minister met entrepreneurs of Hungarian origin as well, to whom he presented the measures aimed at transforming the Hungarian economy and whom he encouraged to take advantage of the international economic opportunities increased by the global opening. Following a suspension of five years, in April 2012 Hungary sent a diplomat specialised in international economy to Sao Paulo, the economic centre of the steadily growing Brazil again.

János Martonyi met Gilberto Kassab, Mayor of the city of Sao Paulo with a population of 12 million. In the discussion they spoke about sharing the experience of the fixed-rail transport system with the leaders of the city facing problems in the area of transport. They deemed it worthwhile to commence cooperation in the fields of waste disposal, water supply and purification; furthermore, they decided to stimulate the cultural connection of Budapest and Sao Paulo.

Hungary and the federal state have several opportunities to cooperate in the field of economy. The Minister highlighted the technology-intensive industries and encouraged the representatives of this area to participate in the business forum organised in parallel with the meeting of the Hungarian-Brazilian Joint Committee on Economic Cooperation in the second half of 2012.

János Martonyi expressed special thanks to the Mayor for the fact that the Body of Representatives of the city had declared October 23rd to be the Day of Hungary in 1992 and the legislative of the state had declared the same day to be the Day of the Hungarian Community in 2008. Therefore, the memory of the Revolution of 1956 is included in the calendar of official commemorations. In honour of the anniversary of the Revolution, the Legislative Assembly has held special sessions with the Hungarian community every year since 2009.
