On 20 March 2012 Hungarian Foreign Minister János Martonyi paid an official visit to Bucharest. He participated in discussions with Romanian Foreign Minister Cristian Diaconescu and was received on a courtesy visit by Romanian Prime Minister Mihai Razvan Ungureanu and Head of the Senate Vasile Blaga. János Martonyi attended a meeting with Hunor Kelemen, President of the Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania (RMDSZ) as well.
At the Foreign Ministerial meeting both parties praised the excellent relations between the two countries. János Martonyi expressed his thanks for the Romanian Government’s positive attitude in the issue of the partial suspension of Hungary’s Cohesion Fund allocation at the ECOFIN meeting of 13 March. The Romanian partner appreciated Hungary’s persevering support for Romania’s accession to the Schengen area and expressed their hope that it would be accomplished this September. Regarding the key figures of the Multiannual Financial Framework for 2014-2020 and the Cohesion Funds in particular, both parties deemed the cooperation of Central European countries important.
The parties emphasised that the economic relations between the two countries are excellent. Romania is the second largest market for Hungarian export; the trade between Romania and Hungary amounts to almost 7 billion euros. Progress has been achieved in the area of infrastructure development; we signed agreements on the border crossing stations of the motorways linking Debrecen with Oradea, and Szeged with Arad. The Hungarian partner urged that the Parliament of Romania should ratify these agreements as soon as possible. The construction and reconstruction of cross-border roads is of similar importance: the parties compiled a list including 65 projects; the prerequisite of their execution is the conclusion of a relevant framework agreement.
Concerning the situation of the Hungarian minority, the Hungarian Foreign Minister was glad to note the accreditation of the Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania and the recommencement of the restitution process regarding church properties. He requested the reassuring settlement of the issue of the Hungarian department of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Târgu Mures; the government decision and the social debate on it laid appropriate foundation for this. The Romanian party urged Hungary to sign the protocols of the Hungarian-Romanian Joint Committee on Minorities as soon as possible.
János Martonyi invited Romanian Prime Minister Mihai Razvan Ungureanu to visit Hungary, who was glad to accept the invitation. The Romanian party intends to initiate an open and impartial debate on the topic of Schengen with European partners. Concerning the Multiannual Financial Framework, he finds it important that the countries having the same interests should develop a strategy of joint action.
Head of the Senate Vasile Blaga requested that parliamentary representation should be provided for the Romanian minority in Hungary and asked for information on the relevant laws and regulations. He was glad that a decision had been reached on the location of a Romanian Orthodox church to be built in Budapest.
Hunor Kelemen, President of the RMDSZ informed the Hungarian Foreign Minister of the internal situation of the Hungarian minority in Romania and Transylvania in light of the municipal elections of June and the parliamentary elections of November. János Martonyi encouraged the political organisations of Hungarians in Transylvania to cooperate in order to strengthen the representation of the Hungarian minority on both local and national level.