Foreign Minister János Martonyi informed the heads of the African embassies in Hungary about the main pillars of the new Hungarian Foreign Policy Strategy, highlighting the policy of global opening and its African aspects.

He emphasised that we intend to play a more active role in the international organisations’ activities related to Africa. As János Martonyi claimed, we had given concrete evidence of this during our EU Presidency. Concerning bilateral relations, the Foreign Minister said that we intend to pay more attention to the continent in our economic diplomacy and asked active cooperation of the ambassadors. János Martonyi explained that we would prefer the participation of Hungarian small and medium enterprises and civil society organisations in the African projects of the European Development Fund. Regarding the Arab Spring, he offered to share our experience of democratic transition.

János Martonyi with the African leaders (photo: Bernadett Maradász)

The African mission leaders expressed their thanks to the Foreign Minister for providing information. They emphasised that they are happy to see Hungary’s increasing attention and active work concerning their region; thus, they are ready for dynamic cooperation. They explained that Europe and Africa undergo changes faster and faster, while both continents face new challenges in the globalised world. Thus, it is particularly high time to foster and improve our relations, which was served by this meeting as well.
