On 5 March 2012, in the framework of the Czech Presidency of the Visegrád Cooperation János Martonyi participated in the extended V4 Foreign Ministerial Meeting in Prague. Besides the Foreign Ministers of the Visegrád countries, the Baltic states, and the Eastern Partners; the Foreign Minister of Denmark holding the current Presidency of the Council of the European Union, High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Catherine Ashton, and Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy Stefan Füle were also invited to the event, which centred around the Eastern Partnership.
This was the third occasion that the Foreign Ministers met in the framework of the Eastern Partnership meetings, which were originally initiated during the Hungarian Presidency.
The extended Foreign Ministerial meeting, which is organised by the V4 countries every autumn on the topic of the Western Balkans as well, has grown into one of the most important framework for consultation, provides an excellent occasion to review the questions and requirements concerning the programme of the Eastern Partnership, and contributes to the promotion of these countries’ advancement towards the Euro-Atlantic integration.
As a significant element of the Visegrád countries’ cooperation in foreign affairs, we support the Eastern Partners’ (Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Armenia, and Ukraine) advancement towards the Euro-Atlantic integration and share our experience regarding democratic transition and integration. Besides reviewing current issues, the main purpose of this year’s meeting was to kick off the new Eastern Partnership Programme of the Visegrád Group.
The programme which was formed and drawn up during last year’s Hungarian Presidency of the International Visegrád Fund (IVF) can significantly contribute to the adoption of European values and norms, as well as to the strengthening of civil society in Eastern Partner countries through the projects supported by the IVF. From 2012 the V4 countries – in cooperation with third countries – intend to support Eastern Partner countries by implementing greater flagship projects, minor programmes, which among others help in the acquisition of the practice of tenders, and by launching a university study and scholarship programme.
A further declared objective of the programme is to improve the relations between the countries of the region, stimulating cross-border and regional cooperation by including civil society organisations, universities, students and local authorities. To provide more information on the opportunities it offers, the Visegrád Fund soon creates its own website and launches an information campaign in the V4 and Eastern Partnership countries.
Concerning the meeting, Foreign Minister János Martonyi emphasised that the Eastern Partnership programme of the V4 countries demonstrates how inclusive the Visegrád Cooperation is. The V4 group has become a symbol of successful regional cooperation. The head of Hungarian diplomacy finds it important to sustain balance between the V4’s activity in the area of Eastern Partnership and in the Western Balkans.