On 27 August, Foreign Minister János Martonyi met with former Serbian President Boris Tadić to discuss Serbia’s European integration process. The visit by Mr. Tadić to Hungary had been organized by the Foundation for the Szent László (St Ladislav) Academy.

At their meeting Mr. Tadić thanked Hungary for its support in facilitating the commencement of EU accession talks with Serbia. János Martonyi stressed that once chapters would be opened and work was in progress, Serbia’s EU accession would become more and more irreversible.

The Hungarian Foreign Minister underlined the importance of reconciliation between the two countries regarding the tragic events of the past. János Martonyi recalled the joint commemoration of Hungarian President János Áder and Serbian President Tomislav Nikolić in honour of the Hungarian and Serbian victims of the Second World War on 16 June 2013, as a celebrated event. That gesture had closed a chapter in the history of the two nations, and thus opened up the way for the further development of bilateral relations, he added.

Former President Boris Tadić and Foreign Minister János Martonyi also discussed the situation in Vojvodina and Serbia’s economic prospects.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs)