Mandated by the UN General Assembly’s resolution, the International Media Seminar on Peace in the Middle East is held for the nineteenth occasion on the 12th and 13th of July in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Hungary. An estimated number of 80 participants, especially from the Middle East and Central Europe, have gathered to exchange ideas and cooperate in order to promote the peace process between Israel and the Palestinian territories, and to bring this issue closer to public awareness through dialogue and mutual understanding.

The participants include former and present politicians, government officials, diplomats, representatives of the civil society, academics and journalists. The seminar provides a good opportunity to examine the prospects for peace in the region, with a special emphasis on the changing political landscape in North Africa and the Middle East and on the further effects of these changes. In addition, the role of the new media, the visual media, and the creative community in promoting the peace agenda is also analysed.

The event has been opened by Zsolt Németh, Minister of State of Foreign Affairs of Hungary. Kiyo Akasaka, United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Communications and Public Information has delivered the message of United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.
