EU ministers responsible for international development cooperation held talks at an informal meeting in Dublin on 11-12 February regarding the global development and sustainability agenda following 2015, when the Millennium Development Goals’ deadline expires.

Hungary was represented at the meeting by Deputy State Secretary for Global Affairs Szabolcs Takács, who was in favour of an integrated approach to link the post-2015 development agenda and the Rio+20 summit’s Sustainable Development Goals. Accordingly, he stressed the need to bring the relevant processes of the United Nations to convergence. He also emphasized that access to water and the sustainable management of water resources must be put high on the global agenda for the period after 2015. 

The informal meeting discussed linking relief, rehabilitation and development for the region of the Horn of Africa and beyond, as well as the ways and possibilities of disbursing EU development aid to Mali, currently put on hold. The ministers reflected on the agreement reached by the European Council on the EU’s next multiannual financial framework, with relation to implications on foreign policy and development cooperation

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs)