The International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) unanimously decided at its session on Thursday that Hungary will take over the presidency of the organisation in 2015.

Deputy State Secretary Prőhle welcomed the decision, which recognises the efforts made by the Hungarian Government over the past few years. He stated that IHRA had honoured Hungary with this opportunity for the country to prove its commitment to fighting anti-Semitism.

This presidency will be a continuation of previous events initiated by the Government: the Raoul Wallenberg Year in 2012, dedicated to the Swedish diplomat’s legacy, or the Holocaust Memorial Year in 2014, commemorating the 70th anniversary of the Hungarian Shoah.

The IHRA, founded in 2000, has 31 members and 10 permanent observers, including both states and international organisations. The aim of the Alliance is to promote and support Holocaust education and remembrance.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs)