The Government of Hungary strongly condemns the terrorist attack in Kabul that claimed the lives of more than twenty people. Taliban rebels committed a suicide attack and an armed attack against a Lebanese restaurant popular among foreigners in the Afghan capital on January 17 and killed twenty-one people, mostly foreigners.

Several of the victims who were killed in this brutal and insane massacre had worked for international organisations in Afghanistan for many years with the aim of bringing peace and stability to the region.

The Government of Hungary expresses its sympathy to the relatives, friends and colleagues of the victims. We have recently called the attention of our European and international partners to the signs of deteriorating security in Afghanistan.

The perpetrators will not achieve their goal in spite of the tragedy they have brought about. Even such inhuman acts must not prevent the members of the international community from continued efforts to advance stability and development in the country in cooperation with the Afghan government and people.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs)