On Monday Gábor Kaleta, Press Chief at the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, stated that Hungary would take part in the elaboration of the Arms Trade Treaty – which is being negotiated under the auspices of the United Nations – and that it opposed illegal arms trafficking.

Gábor Kaleta made his statement in connection with the letter sent by Amnesty International to Foreign Minister János Martonyi. The Press Chief at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs stressed that Hungary was opposed to illegal arms trafficking and complied fully with the respective international conventions as well as with the Hungarian regulations. Hungary would take part in the elaboration of the convention on arms trade, he added.

Gábor Kaleta declared that the Arms Trade Treaty – which is being negotiated under the auspices of the United Nations – would demand that only „safe users” could obtain firearms and weapons. For instance, firearms manufacturing countries could veto the forwarding of weapons to a third country if it was not certain that it was a „safe user”.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs)