Péter Wintermantel, MFA Deputy State Secretary in charge of Global Affairs, hosted a working lunch for Ambassadors from the Middle East and North Africa on January 28. The goal of their meeting was to discuss the results of the Hungarian „global opening” policy and to identify the tasks and opportunities of coming months.

Hungary’s relations with the North African and Middle East countries gained a remarkable impetus in 2013. The number of high-level political visits grew significantly, and several agreements on economic, education, sports and aviation cooperation were signed during those visits, while many other agreements are now being elaborated. Hungary has expanded educational cooperation with several countries of these regions through the Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship program.

Mr Wintermantel stressed that Hungary’s commitment to further advancing cooperation with the countries of the Middle East and North Africa remains unchanged in 2014. The aim of the Hungarian Government is to maintain close political ties, to advance economic cooperation and to bolster relations in the fields of education and culture in the near future. The invited ambassadors welcomed that Hungary is paying attention constatntly and intensively towards the North African and Middle Eastern regions.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs)