Hungary and Finland have an interest in maintaining European Union unity since otherwise future integration would be compromised, Zsolt Németh, state secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Hungary said in Helsinki on 19 September.

Zsolt Németh held talks in the Finnish capital on the previous day, meeting Eero Heinaluoma, the Finnish parliamentary speaker and head of the Hungarian-Finnish friendship chapter, and other senior officials. He also held talks on bilateral relations at the Finnish foreign ministry.

Finnish lawmakers appeared interested in declaring the third Saturday of October the day of Finno-Ugric people.This will provide an opportunity to nurture ties between Hungarians and Finns, he said.

Hungary's parliament decided in April to join an Estonian move and designate a day for Finno-Ugric relations to recognise the importance of their culture and language. In the age of globalisation it is more important than ever to support such initiatives, he said, adding that Finland, as the third state with a parliament of Finno-Ugric people, has been invited to follow suit.

Németh said Hungary and Finland are driven by many similar interests, including the position that the Ukraine-EU association agreement should be signed at the next Vilnius summit in November, organised by the Eastern Partnership Initiative. The two countries are also in agreement that the EU28 should be kept unified, Németh said.

He added that it would not be desirable for a division to be created among euro-zone members and states outside the zone, or northern and southern states or NATO members and non-members. This would be detrimental for the future of the EU, he said.

Németh will continue his trip with a visit to the autonomous region of the Swedish-speaking Aland islands, which are a part of Finland, on 20 September

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs)