According to the Nobel Committee’s justification, the European Union, during its history of six decades contributed to promoting peace and human rights in Europe, and helped to transform Europe from a continent of war to a continent of peace.
The Nobel Committee also highlighted, that during its existence, the European Union brought France and Germany closer, while always requiring that countries wishing to join adhere to democratic norms.
The award is recognition for European Union institutions, Member States, nations constituting the European Union and finally European citizens, among them Hungarians as well.
The award also reminds all of us that peace is the most important achievement of the European integration; it continues to be a valid ideal, which is a precondition and the source of all social and economic development, of real human evolution. It is possible to also overcome the present economic difficulties if peace prevails.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs agrees with the statement of the Nobel Committee that one should not forget the achievements, when nowadays the EU has to face serious problems because of the economic crisis.
This award is a message of outstanding significance addressed to all Member States. Winning the Nobel Peace Prize is mainly the success of the cooperation between European nations.
Hungary continues to participate committedly in strengthening the European Union internally and in all its common policies and efforts aimed at promoting international peace and security.
(Ministry of Foreign Affairs)